Course web page, WS 2019 - 2020 SfS, University of Tübingen

This is the course page for the seminar course Computational Morphology at the Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen.

This is a seminar course covering a wide range of different approaches for computational processing of natural langauge morphology. We will cover, rule-based (finite-state) systems as well as data-driven models of both supervised and unsupervised morphological processing.

This is a typical seminar course, where we will read a selection of influential and/or recent papers from the literatuere, and discuss them in the class. The participants will also be required to complete small projects.

Grading will be based on class participation and homeworks (3ECTS). Further course credits can be obtained by a term project (6ECTS) and a term project described in a term paper (9ECTS) within the scope of the course.


Prior knowledge of NLP and machine learning is required.

